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FCC Knowledge Box: Infinite Possibilities for Co-creation

In order to strengthen relationships with our customers, FCC takes a different approach. We believe that understanding customer and market needs, as well as seeking solutions through the development of innovative raw materials, is fundamental to strengthening our business partnerships and constantly evolving.

With over 50 years of expertise, FCC has a history of constant innovation, where listening to our customers and constantly seeking new formulations to add value to products are essential practices. It is with great pride that today, on Customer Day, we share one of our cases, the FCC Knowledge Box. An idea that came to life and that materializes our main products, from the most varied segments, demonstrating the various applications and possibilities offered today.


‍ExpandingHorizons with the FCC Knowledge Box

Imagine receiving a Box, personalized with your brand and inviting you to co-create. More than just a unique and beautiful gift, the Knowledge Box opens doors to a world of possibilities. It's an invitation to "get out of the box" and explore the innovation that is available to you, based on the portfolio of products already developed by FCC and the technical expertise we have to develop new products. Launched in 2022, the Knowledge Box represents a gateway to exploring new opportunities and innovative solutions.


The FCC Knowledge Box enables: ‍

  • See: View our diverse range of materials, from thermoplastics to high-performance adhesives, all designed to meet your specific needs.
  • Touch: Feel the quality and texture of our premium materials. Experience the difference they can make to your products and projects.
  • Get to know us: Deepen your knowledge of the applications and possibilities of our materials.

On Customer Day, we highlight the FCC Knowledge Box project as a reflection of our commitment to being relentless in our pursuit of understanding our customers' needs, listening to their pains and providing solutions that take their projects to the next level. ‍


Transformation through Innovation in Materials Science

Our journey began 54 years ago as a manufacturer of footwear components. Today, we are a benchmark in materials science, producing thermoplastics, adhesives, polymeric masses, coatings and sealants that cover various sectors, including healthcare, automotive, construction, agro-industry and more.

At FCC, innovation through materials science is what transforms ordinary raw materials into exceptional products, and it's all thanks to the trust and feedback of our customers.


Want to know more about our products and how we can help you with your projects? Click here and talk to our sales team.