We connect with those who want to
to create, co-create
reinvent and transform.

we are fcc
FCC is a place that welcomes and transforms careers of protagonist people
Protagonists are those people who transform realities, and make a difference, wherever they are. They are people who think differently, who do not hide from challenges and transform their workplace. Here, we guarantee an open and innovative space for protagonists to grow, develop, and transform their careers.
FCC employees chat in the stockroom
FCC employees talk at tables
FCC employees in meetings
Smiling FCC operator
FCC employees chat in a courtyard
What does FCC do?
We are a reference in the use of materials science to solve the pains of various markets.
For more than 50 years, FCC has been developing the materials that revolutionize industries and transform markets.
I am most proud to say #I'mFCC because FCC is a company that thinks about the employee as the source of its results, developing in everyone a feeling of belonging.
Photo by FCC collaborator Lais Laux
lais laux
FCC workers discuss happy in the workplace.
Work with us
Attractive remuneration and PPR
Remuneration in line with market practices and PPR, according to the company's results.
Incentive to training
Partnerships with universities, with discounts on tuition.
Health and Life Insurance Plan
100% subsidy of the health plan and life insurance, for all employees.
Citizen company
Extension of maternity leave to 180 days and paternity leave to 20 days.
For more than 50 years, we have been tirelessly searching for the new,
transforming ideas into materials that change the world.
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