Image of part of the helipad, on a platform at sea, and workers applying nukote polyurea coating to the floor.
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FCC Success Stories: Polyurea Applied to the P-32 Offshore Oil Platform

The continuous search for excellence and innovation has led us to the industrial coating segment and to partnerships and development of polyurea systems, positioning FCC as the leading specialist in this technology in Latin America. Among the success stories and segments we have accumulated over the years, oil and gas stands out. In July 2023, we supplied the complete system for coating the helipad of Petrobras' P-32 platform, located in the Campos Basin, approximately 85 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. This case exemplifies how polyurea coating has been making a difference in challenging environments such as the oil and gas sector, with speed and durability.  


‍Hundredsof Success Stories

Our journey in the application of polyurea over the years translates into hundreds of success stories. This diverse experience covers many industrial sectors, highlighting the versatility and reliability of FCC's polymer coatings.


‍TheP-32 Challenge

Recently, we faced a significant challenge: the application of the FCC coating on the helipad of the Petrobras P-32 platform, in just one week with it in operation for take-offs and landings. This work would not have been possible with other coatings due to the demand for drying and substrate preparation. The helideck plays a crucial role in ensuring the operation of the platform and continuous application is extremely important. The application of polyurea was the ideal solution to remedy leaks and protect the infrastructure, in record time without compromising operations.


Quality, durability and waterproofing

Our elastomeric coatings are carefully formulated to meet the specific requirements of each project and application. With state-of-the-art technology and versatile application, they can be used in various thicknesses, drying quickly and without seams, resulting in an exceptional finish and long-term performance. Our coatings are recognized for the high quality, durability, anti-corrosion protection and impermeability they offer to various surfaces.


If you would like to know more about how our products can meet the specific needs of your project, please contact our sales team by clicking here.  

