FCC representatives receiving Diversity and Inclusion award
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Multigenerational Spotlight: FCC Receives Award in Diversity and Inclusion

At FCC, we believe that diversity is our driving force. We value constructive and open debates, and seek to highlight different perspectives and experiences. Our dedication to creating an inclusive and equitable environment for minority groups is evident in our ongoing efforts. It's not just about adapting our structure, but also about empowering our leaders through lectures, discussion groups and training.

Today, we celebrated a memorable achievement in our journey. At the Inclusion and Diversity for Business Awards ceremony, promoted by Grupo Sinos, FCC was recognized with the Outstanding Multi-Generational Award. This recognition validates our commitment to fostering a truly inclusive and diverse culture in our corporate environment.


FCC case: Multigenerational Workshop

In order to encourage all employees to be agents of change in our culture and to allow everyone to participate actively, being the protagonists of their own stories, we promote the formation of affinity groups known as "Multidisciplinary Groups". These groups develop organically, with themes and activities chosen by the members themselves - employees who want to drive positive change.

An example of this is the "Juntos" group, formed in 2020 with the aim of discussing and raising awareness about diversity within the company. This group, supported by the company's leadership, created the internal event "Multigenerational Workshop".

The aim of the Multigenerational Workshop is to encourage reflection and empathy, allowing employees to talk to each other and understand the perceptions of the different generations present. Held in two editions in 2022, participants were invited to bring a colleague, strengthening intergenerational ties. During the event, participants chose objects in the company auditorium to discuss their experiences. This open dialog led to discussions about expectations and experiences when working with different generations.

The workshop was attended by several employees, including FCC directors and interns, covering a full spectrum of generations. Topics discussed included interacting with younger generations, the challenges of collaborating with more experienced generations and how to overcome "it's always been done this way". In the end, paradigms were broken, prejudices dispelled and new connections made, leaving the participants satisfied with their shared experiences.

This recognition from the Inclusion and Diversity for Business Awards highlights FCC's ongoing commitment to creating an inclusive environment. We are honored by this achievement, which inspires us to continue building a harmonious and innovative corporate environment for all generations.