The image combines the profile of a head made up of several female silhouettes with a signed document next to it, highlighting diversity, inclusion and commitment.
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Promoting Gender Equality at the FCC: Our Commitment to the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

At FCC, we believe that diversity is our driving force. We value constructive and open debates, highlighting different perspectives and experiences. Our dedication to creating an inclusive and equitable environment for minority groups is evident in our ongoing efforts. It's not just about adapting our structure, but also about empowering our leaders through talks, discussion groups and training.

In April, our CEO, Marcelo Reichert, took an important step towards gender equality and women's empowerment by signing the Declaration of Support for the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles). The WEPs are a set of seven principles established in 2010 by UN Women, the UN entity dedicated to gender diversity, and the Global Compact, an initiative dedicated to engaging companies with the United Nations. These principles encourage companies to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, deepening, broadening and strengthening engagement with the private sector to change behavior in favor of gender-sensitive business conduct.


The Seven Principles of WEPs:

1) High-level corporate leadership: Establish strong leadership to promote gender equality (related to SDG 5: Gender Equality).

2. Treat all women and men fairly at work, without discrimination: Ensure fairness and equal opportunities in the workplace (SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth).

3. Health, well-being and safety of employees: Ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all (SDG 3: Health and well-being).

4. Education and training for gender equality: Offer development programs to promote gender equality (SDG 4: Quality Education).

5. Business development, supply chain and marketing practices: Implement business practices that empower women (SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production).

6. Community initiatives and advocacy: Promoting gender equality through community initiatives (SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities).

7. Measurement and reporting: Measuring and reporting progress in promoting gender equality (SDG 17: Partnerships and Means of Implementation).


Our commitment

By signing the CEO Statement of Support, the FCC joins a network of more than 8,000 business leaders around the world demonstrating their commitment to advancing gender equality and empowering women in the workplace, marketplace and community. We understand that gender equality is not just a matter of fairness - it's fundamental to job creation, innovation, productivity and sustainable economic growth, and it's good for business

Our commitment to inclusion and gender equality is reflected in initiatives such as the Multidisciplinary Diversity Group, which tackles issues such as ableism, racism, sexism, ageism and prejudice against LGBTQIA+ people, as well as the Diversity Committee, which defines guidelines to improve the company's inclusive culture.


Our Continuous Efforts

  • Leadership training: We hold talks, discussion groups and training sessions for our leaders, focusing on inclusive and equitable practices.
  • Multidisciplinary Diversity Group (Juntos): This group tackles crucial issues such as ableism, racism, machismo, etarism and prejudice against LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Diversity Committee: Works continuously to improve the company's inclusive culture, encouraging diversity at all levels of the organization.
  • Joining the WEPs is another step in our journey to build a fairer and more equitable working environment. "We are committed to creating a future where everyone can thrive, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or any other characteristic," says Marcelo Reichert.


Read more

For more information on WEPs and how we are implementing these principles at the FCC, visit.